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Wearable Smart Mask: Why You Might Just Need One
Everyone is used to wearing masks these days, but they aren’t exactly the most comfortable accessories. As the pandemic stretches on, more and more designs are popping up, including the wearable Smart Mask from Pour Moi.
A very common side effect of wearing masks daily is the development of mascne or acne and zits caused by covering the skin constantly. This condition results from clogged pores, but it’s made far worse by the fact the mask holds oil, dead skin, and bacteria against the face. When you sweat and breathe in the mask, you’re adding humidity and heat, which lets bacteria grow faster.
There are multiple ways to treat mascne and to even prevent it. Good hygiene is key, for example, so washing your face and your mask regularly is essential. However, the Pour Moi wearable Smart Mask was developed to prevent the issue in the first place.
What is a Smart Mask?
These wearable Smart Masks from Pour Moi are specifically designed to keep your skin healthy and blemish-free. This is accomplished by using 3-ply fabric to provide triple layer protection against viruses. The fabric includes B-Core moisture management, to keep moisture to a minimum, even after hours of wearing the mask.
What makes them stand out from other types of masks is the fact that they also contain an anti-microbial agent to prevent bacteria from building up. The design is also meant to fit your face perfectly, with seaming to conform to the angles and planes of your face while protecting you from outside elements.
While it may not be FDA-approved (most masks aren’t), the Smart Mask follows CDC recommendations and is CPSIA compliant. Even better, it actually works to provide mascne protection.
Anyone can use these masks, though people who suffer from irritation and breakouts will be particularly thankful for them. If you struggle with elastics chafing your ears and prefer not to use an extender behind your head, then the soft fabric loops on the Pour Moi masks will give you some comfort.
Finally, the masks are available in a range of colors and styles. While the basic shape remains (and holds up against multiple washings), you can choose a black mask, gray, or bright pink in the classic Smart Mask looks. There is also a line of wearable Smart Masks with fun designs on them, based on nature. These include Desert Orange (with a cactus design), Polar Green (snowflake design), Temperate Pink (cloud and sun design), Marine Gray (wave design), Tropical Blue (palm tree design), and Mountain Maroon (mountain design).
Pros and Cons of the Pour Moi Smart Mask
If you’re like most people, just having to wear a mask is a con for you. With the Pour Moi mask, though, we’re looking at some features that will make or break it.
Pros include the fact that these masks really do prevent breakouts, thanks to the anti-microbial agent and the extra moisture absorption. Of course, you still must wash it daily, unless you have multiples. It’s also available in plenty of colors and designs to keep even the pickiest fashionista happy.
Gentle ear loops and the face conforming design make this mask particularly comfortable. Pour Moi also offers specialty skincare to go with the masks to help keep breakouts at bay.
For the downside of these Smart Masks, you just have to look at the price. The simpler designs and brighter colors will run you $19 per mask, which seems high, while the more elegant ones, including the “21” design with a pretty chain, will run up to $35 per mask. The chain is certainly useful if you tend to take your mask off when no one else is around so you don’t lose it, but it’s also something you could add yourself.
Like all fabric masks, this one is not suitable for a surgical or medical setting where your risk of being infected is high.
What People Are Saying About This Smart Mask
The real test of a product like this is what the users have to say about it. Are they happy with the design or are they avoiding it like the plague?
Randy H. says, “If you have to wear a mask . . . I would recommend these. Love them. No breakouts on my face.”
Lynn N. left a review saying, “Love, LOVE this mask. Very light and very breathable. Lovely color. Prevents ‘mascne‘.’ Wish I had this before I developed craters on my chin. The mask has prevented new blemishes. Thanks for a great solution.”
Diane S. says, “I’m a nurse and only wear it little. Love it.”
It’s clear that the masks are well-liked, considering their 4.8-star rating. Even the four-star reviews say things like, “I enjoy the products.”
Other Mascne Preventing Masks
Since it’s been a year since everyone started to wear masks, there has been time for technology to catch up, but has it? The vast majority of masks that claim to work well for mascne are simply fabric and meant to be washed daily. There are a few standouts in the market though.
The American Giant Face Mask is one of the top choices since it uses strands of silver and copper woven into the cotton fabric. Not only does the mask prevent excess moisture from breathing, the silver and copper also kill microbes and bacteria that may cause mascne.
The Vanguard mask is also anti-microbial and is face-forming, and durable. It also includes an extra filter of cotton gauze inside.
Finally, Bilio’s Koala Mask gives you the ultimate in comfort with an ergonomically designed mask that features a knit blend of silver yarn with recycled polyester to release positive silver ions when the moisture from your breath hits them. This stops bacterial growth and eliminates odors.
While the market is now packed with options for bacteria-killing masks, you’ll find that the Pour Moi Smart Mask is pretty highly rated and for good reason. The three-ply fabric is ideal for preventing moisture in the first place, not just reacting to it. You’ll also have other benefits, such as the better-designed ear loops. Overall, it’s an excellent choice in masks.